Friday, June 29, 2007

Hello, world

With a long, hot summer ahead of me and ghostly white skin that is terrified of obtaining the slightest bit of sunlight, I decided it was well time to begin a blog. As these months go on, I plan on sharing my amateur views on music. With this, I hope to discover people that possess similar taste to me and be opened up to new bands and genres of music.

To begin, let me tell you a little bit about my background. I come from a family completely lacking in musical talent: my brother doesn't know the first thing about rhythm; my mother couldn't sing to save her life; and my father who probably is the only one with any musical inclination, is only seen singing after he has had one too many drinks, which is a rarity. Somehow, however, I developed an intense appreciation for music of all kinds.

As a child, I would sing and dance where ever possible; always doing little routines for family and friends. Upon I entering middle school, I took up various instruments and was told I had a talent for singing. Although, I haven't exactly lived up to my potential in that area, it opened me up to a whole new world of music.

With singing, I was exposed to many different genres of music: Broadway, gospel, opera, etc. Although I was not particularly inclined to these genres, I would soon discover my soulmate- indie rock. In the spring of '04 I somehow stumbled upon Death Cab for Cutie and my obsession with indie rock began.

Ever since then, my addiction has grown and I am constantly on the look out for new bands and new types of music. Though indie rock still remains the foundation for my iTunes library, I have lately found a greater acknowledgment towards folk, electronica, acoustics, Latin, and classical.

Over this summer I have several goals in this area which include the deeper learning of classical, ska, and electronica music; to once again take up the piano which I greatly regret having not mastered; and to learn more about the music industry due to my aspiration to possibly have a career in it someday. By having this blog, I encourage you to continue reading my terrible writing and help me become more educated in this area.


Carissa Duhamel said...

copy cat. look at my first post.

Jillian said...

you really think that i'm going to look that far back?? obviously it wasn't too original.

Lucy Doughty said...

I had no idea you were such a "blog baby" from reading your most recent post! I think what you've got going here is fantastic. I was drawn to your blog through Jad's, and was very happy to see a fellow fifteen year old bloggin' along.

So, welcome to the blogosphere, and keep up the great work!

Jillian said...
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Carissa Duhamel said...

It was about being pale and how it is the summer and what not. Its uncannily similair to this post, dear.

Jillian said...

well carissa, in case you haven't noticed, i am ghostly pale and it is summer. so any similarity was not intentional.